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Give Your Comfy Sack a Fresh Look

Posted by Administrator on 10/5/2013 to Articles

Comfy Sacks has acquired a hefty list of happy, comfortable customers. Our products are guaranteed to last a span of several years, so there’s a greater chance that your taste will evolve before your Comfy Sack wears down.

Say, for example, that you are a recent graduate, anxious to begin your journey as a young professional. You’ve moved into a new apartment and have started the process of replacing outdated furniture and accessories with items that are more appropriate for your age. You traded in your strobe light for a dignified desk lamp and invested in actual curtains to cover the windows instead of old bed sheets. Unfortunately, though, your bright green Comfy Sack doesn’t quite match your evolving style. Rather than tossing your old friend, you can easily transform the look by simply replacing the cover. Our new Faux Leather fabric is a fantastic solution for the yuppie in you.

That’s not to say you have to grow tired of one cover; many of our customers buy an extra just to have the ability to rotate the two. Comfy Sacks are a great way to express yourself; why not expand your collection of covers? Since our covers are machine washable, you’ll be able to clean one while the other is zipped over your Comfy Sack. We’re constantly adding new fabric, color, and texture options to our collection. Investing in a new cover is a budget-friendly way to freshen the look of your space without having to sacrifice your prized sack or lounger. Check out the available options and <a href =request free samples

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