A business’s corporate culture is the values and beliefs that a company develops as it grows and expands. This set of values and beliefs combines to form the basis of how everyone in the company, from the boardroom to the mail room, acts and reacts. Everything in a company builds this corporate culture, including the kind of seating employees use in their everyday work activities. Relaxed seating arrangements relax more than just your body; they relax your mind as well. More and more companies are leaning towards a relaxed and inspiring corporate culture, and this is where bean bag furniture comes in.
Companies are recognizing that an inspiring corporate culture tends to promote creativity and a greater exchange of ideas, which benefits the employees as well as the company. Zazzle uses bean bag chairs to make comfortable conversation areas for their employees. Seating areas made of beanbag furniture are mobile and can change configuration depending on the needs of the participants. Whether employees need to collaborate or seek some quiet time to let ideas gestate, beanbag chairs can give them a relaxed and comfortable place to think.
Large corporations such as Apple are learning that retaining and recruiting employees requires more than just a dazzling salary. Beanbag furniture help Apple to portray their corporate culture of a positive company that cares about the team as a whole. The bean bag chairs offer an impact on productivity and creativity because they engage employee’s imaginations and enable them to kick start their creativity. Ideas are the lifeblood of any company, but particularly for a technology giant seeking its next big product.
Removed from traditional settings with hard furniture lines and stuffy arrangements, a company’s corporate culture can flourish and expand. Companies such as Amazon use beanbag chairs to inspire creativity and communication in their employees. The chairs are easy to move and rearrange and employees can be comfortably productive for longer periods of time.
As corporate America strives to reinvent itself in these trying times, corporate culture has become more than just a buzz word. It is a way for companies to develop lasting, meaningful relationships with employees that they hope will inspire lasting growth for everyone involved. Bean bags helps with this mission by contributing to a relaxed and inviting corporate culture.