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Count The Comfy Sack Candy Corn!

Posted by Administrator on 10/6/2012 to Articles

It’s back!  The Count The Comfy Sack Candy Corn Contest!  Say that three times fast.  Who needs a bean bag chair when you can have a Comfy Sack filled with Halloween candy corn!
How many candy corn does it take to fill a Comfy Sack!?  We want you to tell us and if you have the closest guess, you could win a Comfy Sack Kids Lounger or a Comfy Sack Kids Sack.  Yep, this year, we want to give away one Kids Lounger and one Kids Sack to a couple of lucky guessers! (and no, they won’t actually have candy corn inside, just our awesome Comfy Foam!)

Here are the details.
• Guess the number of candy corn it will take to fill a Kids Lounger and also the number it takes to fill a Kids Comfy Sack.  You can see pics of each on our website at ComfySacks.com.
• Post your guesses in the comments section on our Comfy Sacks Facebook page. (Be sure to “Like” our page first.)
• Only One guess per person per item (a total of two guesses…one for the Kids Lounger and one for the Kids Sack)
• Contest begins right now and ends on Friday, October 26 at 10pm CST. Entries after 10pm CST will not be accepted.
• Two winners will be announced no later than Tuesday, October 30.
• The guess closest to the actual number of candy corn for each item will win that item. If one person submits the closest guess on both items, they will be deemed the winner for both the Kids Sack and the Kids Lounger.
• Judges decisions are final.

So get counting and start guessing.  Tell your friends, and remember to post your guesses on ourFacebook page.

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