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Bean Bags Are Tax Deductions for Day Cares

Posted by Administrator on 6/2/2011 to Articles

April was tax month, and both individuals and businesses were scrambling to get their tax information in order. Many people are looking for ways to save money on their taxes with tax deductions, and small businesses like day cares are no exception. Even if you missed deductions on this year’s taxes, you can begin planning ahead for next year’s by looking for deductions now. There are many great ways for day care centers to get deductions on their taxes while improving their business at the same time.

One way for day cares to save money and improve their environment is to redesign their center for comfort and learning. Child care businesses can also get tax deductions for buying furniture, especially if that furniture also counts as an educational aid. What kind of furniture does that? Bean bags!

Beanbag furniture is one of the great hidden tax deductions for child care businesses like day cares or private schools because not only do bean bags provide great places for children to lounge and read, but they are also proven to promote creative thinking and learning. Children love the squishy but supportive texture, and the relaxation this furniture offers lets children relax and open their minds.

As part of a reading area, beanbag chairs can let children find the perfect comfortable position to read in, and they will be encouraged to read more. Bean bags can also provide a great place for kids to watch movies. If you have children who fight nap time, you can get bean bag chairs to make nap time enjoyable.

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